Get Involved. Thank our NHS. Stay Safe.
From roughly 2018 to 2021 Voxly Digital focused on building Voice Apps for Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, and we became one of the Top 3 UK based agencies doing this work.
This blog post highlights work from that time and showcases how we approach strategy and execution around cutting edge tech like Amazon Alexa

Press Release
The National Hope Service is on a mission to crowdsource messages of thanks and support from the general public to send to our amazing NHS workers on the front-line, all via the power of WhatsApp.
18th May 2020, London: With lockdown restrictions beginning to ease, most of us are starting to look forward again and wondering what ‘the new normal’ will look like. For those working in the NHS however, ‘normal’ (even a new one) still feels a long way off. #ClapforOurCarers has united the nation in support behind the NHS. Now we want that love placed right into their pockets.
London-based start-up Voxly Digital today announces the launch of The National Hope Service - a not-for-profit Whatsapp chatbot service which lets members of the public send voice-notes of thanks and support. NHS workers can message the same chatbot and receive these voice notes, whenever they need a boost.
Ravi Lal, CEO & Founder of Voxly Digital said ‘Many of our team’s family members are front-line workers. We wanted to do something to help and spent some time understanding how we, as Voxly Digital, could support in a meaningful way. Conversational platforms such as voice and chatbots are becoming increasingly popular and we know that doctors and nurses in the NHS often use Whatsapp to communicate whilst at work, so it felt like a no-brainer to try and leverage the technology to do some real good.’
The team are now on a mission to gather as many voice notes as possible to share with the NHS heroes who need them. The aim is to build up a bank of thousands - or even millions of messages - to be there to support our amazing NHS workers far beyond this crisis.

Rozzi Meredith, Voxly Digital’s Head of Innovation added “Leaving voice-notes is a really personal and intimate way of showing you care. It asks more of you than a like, or a retweet does. But that’s what makes it more meaningful. So far, we’ve had people singing full songs, reading poems, leaving heart-felt words of love and even contributing group messages from whole families. It doesn’t matter what you send, it just matters that you’ve sent it.
How does The National Hope Service work?
The National Hope Service is a WhatsApp chatbot service:
Step 1: Message 'hi' to +447955586595 via WhatsApp or directly message here /
Step 2: If you're a member of the public, message the bot to contribute a voice note of support and thanks for our NHS workers.You can listen back to the note before you share, so no stage fright necessary! Voxly Digital screens these messages to make sure that only the positive ones get through.
Step 3: If you work for the NHS once you've verified your NHS email, you can send an emoji to the chat to be sent one of the messages which the public has recorded. There’s no limit to the number you can ask for.