The UK Voice-Assistant Market: 5 Insights You Need to Know

Rozzi Meredith
Aug 28, 2024
March 10, 2021

The State of UK Voice Q1 2021 (download) is the second of our Voxly Digital Insights Report series; which takes an in-depth look at our original UK-consumer research into voice habits.

Top take-aways:

1. Voice is no longer a sparkly novelty:

Awareness and understanding of the technology has been rising rapidly in the UK. At the start of 2021, 7 in 10 of the UK public had used a voice-assistant in the last month.

2. Voice-assistants play a daily role in household life

Amongst UK voice-users, 85% use the technology at least weekly and almost half use it daily. Frequency of use has been increasing. In fact, over half of voice-users said they use voice more now than when they first bought it and the same number admitted that they now ‘rely’ on their voice-assistants.

3. Smart-phones are the main way people access voice-assistants

76% of the UK had used a voice-assistant via a smartphone in the first month of 2021. Smart-speaker usage wasn’t far behind though, with 63% having used one recently.

4. Smart-speaker owners are more engaged users with higher frequency habits

Amongst UK smart-speaker users, 63% use their voice-assistant at least daily whilst only 34% of smart-phone users use voice on their devices daily.

5. Voice Search and music are the biggest reasons to use a voice-assistant

71% of UK voice-users use it to search for general questions at least weekly. 1 in 2 use voice-activated devices daily to listen to music and 1 in 3 for radio.

You can download the full report here:

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